Saturday 24 December 2011

Making Tire Threads in Maya

Well, this is first tutorial that I have made and it’s about something I have also struggle during my early days of car modelling. I hope this tutorial would be helpful for those who love modelling cars, especially the beginners. So, this tutorial is about making tire threads for your car tires. There are many ways in Maya to make tire threads. You can either model it or just create it with the help of textures and mapping processes. The modelling process I’m going to show here is simple but the end product would be pretty high poly. The final output would look something like this.

The idea is to create a single section of the threads and duplicate it and to use bend deformer to achieve the tire shape.So lets start.
Step 1: Create a plane. Make sure its rectangular. Right now don’t worry about the scale as it doesn’t matter unless you are making this in an existing scene.

Give subdivision width 5 and subdivision height 1 respectively (or you can have it your way, try experimenting). Before next step make sure you have something like, seen above.
Step 2: In this step we tweak the geometry we have into something that looks like a section of tire thread. This is what I have got.

This may not look anything like what I have said. But eventually we’ll get there. Here also you can have reference of some tire and make some other shapes out of it.
Step 3: Now insert edge loops on the borders and along the subdivisions as seen in the following pics.
After you have done inserting edge loops, the geometry would look something like this.

Step 4: Now select all the centre faces and extrude it in Y- axis. In this case you’ll have to select 5 faces and extrude, as shown below.

Step 5: Now we again add edge loops to each extruded ends of the geometry as shown below.

This is done to hold the meshes together (to get a sharp edge) when you smooth the geometry. If don’t when you smooth the geometry by pressing 3 this is what you’ll get. So make sure you do this.

After you have inserted edge loops correctly and if you go to smooth mode, you’ll get something like this.

Step 6: Now that we have a section of the tire thread the next step is to duplicate this section and place it as shown in the picture.

Press Ctrl + d for duplicating the geometry for first time and Shift + d the next time so that it will place correctly every time you press it.
Step 7: Now select all the sections and combine it (Mesh > Combine). We are combining the sections because we have to merge the vertices of one section to another.

Step 8: Select the vertices in between the sections and give merge vertices. You’ll find the merge vertices button in the under the Polygons Shelf. 

After merging the sections you may have the problem of two or more vertices merging to one. This depends on the merge vertices attribute called Distance. By default it’ll be 1 and reducing the value should solve the problem. (Check the distance value in the above picture)
After combining and joining all the section the result will be something like this.

Step 9: Now select the polygon and go to Create Deformers> Non- Linear> Bend. In the interface you’ll see a vertical handle. Select the handle and rotate it 90 degrees in X and Z axis. (It depends on what axis you’re modelling).

Step 10: In the bend attribute you’ll see the Attributes such as Envelope, Curvature, Low Bound and High Bound. Change the Curvature attribute to bend the polygon into a tire shape as in the below picture.

Bring the ends close enough to merge it together and there you’ll have tire threads. To remove the handles just delete the History (Alt +D). 
And that's it. I hope you understand the whole process if not please feel free to ask any doubts and may be I can clear it for you. Thank you.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Requiescat in Pace

This week was spent playing and trying out new games such as Assassins Creed Revelations (ACR) and Saints Row :The Third and finished the former. I have been a hardcore fan of the Assassins Creed franchise since I played its first part. The plot and the storyline is so interesting and moving that we would ask ourselves "OMFG is that all true....?" Believe me I have asked it to myself a million times whenever I played it's series.
I remember when I and Allen-my college mate and a Game Designer- tried to tell the story of Assassins Creed Series to another friend who haven't played it. We found it's not that easy because it says a lot some of it takes lots of thinking to digest and if any of  the so called gamers haven't played any of the Assassins Creed Series, sorry to say you ain't one.
Regarding the game play, it's the best Ubisoft have done so far in this frachise. There are many great changes that have been done such as introducing the concept of Hook Blade and Bombs. Hook blade is the coolest thing in the game and the gliding through zipline is a real fun. The plot is Constantinople and what we've to do is somewhat similar to what we've done in Assassins Creed Brotherhood (ACB). Like eradicating the enemies (Templars) influence from different districts which is similar to doing the same with Borgia's in ACB and also renovating the districts.
Ubisoft has taken the ACB's combat moves to a next level in ACR. There are several brutal combos (different with each weapon types), the best I have seen in this franchise. If you are a psychopath gamer, you should play this.
I really admire the way Ubisoft have brought up such a great concept and putting up such an awesome story to back it up. The soundtracks by Jesper Kyd and Lorne Balfe gets you back to those ages and feel is so immense that you won't forget this game in your lifetime. I hope all Assassins Creed fans also would feel the same.The story, like all other Assassins Creed Series doesn't disappoint at any point despite the fact that it's the end of Ezio's story. It's like what Ubisoft says "The End of An Era".

Thursday 8 December 2011

Tutorials coming up...!!!

Well I have decided to take my blog a step ahead by including some tutorials for 3D artists. Mainly it'll cover some modelling tips and tricks and some simple things for beginners. I don't have much of experience in this tutorial thingy but I'll try my best to keep things simple as possible. Mostly I'll handle the basics and of course everyone is free to ask questions and I'll try my best to clear it.
I haven't decided when do I start this but the kind of plan I have is like may be "one tutorial in a week". The tutorials could be video or pdf or may be just I'll type it down on the blog (of course....with screenshots). If you ask me why I'm doing this, I would say its my gift to the world of 3D artists. As a student I have learnt many things and I think knowledge is something which multiplies when people share it with each other. So stay tuned up...!!

Monday 5 December 2011

Japanese Interior- My first Set Modelling

This is the first completed set model  that I have done using Maya. I did it in the first year of my college as part of the studies and this is the final render I have given. The render was done in Mental Ray. I did this when I had little knowledge about Maya and what it is capable of. As you can see its a Japanese interior that I have tried to make. I got the idea of making Japanese interior  from the game called Hitman : Silent Assassin- one of my all time favorite. At first I thought I would make a Dojo, but the concept was already taken by one of my classmate and so I decided to make just something Japanese and that's how I ended up doing this.
I took screen shots from the game itself for references and also relied on some other reference pictures from Internet. The modelling was pretty easy but the lighting seemed to be a tough job at that time. Modeling the Katana was really fun and also I enjoyed doing the texturing. I was able to study a lot like different unwrapping techniques and that was the time I really came to know the concept of unwrapping and texturing. The texture used are downloaded- didn't had enough time to make and I'm not good with Photoshop-such as wood textures. However some of them were made such as the textures on the carpet and cushions- I know, it's simple. After this model, my attention went to cars and started modeling many and after that I haven't really tried making a set except during my Second year project.

Friday 2 December 2011

Mazda Rx-7- Dropped Beauty

This is the 3D Model of the Mazda Rx-7 I was working on and had to drop behind because Maya was behaving weird. It was coming out well even though the blueprints weren't aligned correctly. In the second picture you can find why I called Maya weird. I don't know whether it's the problem with my system or Maya either way I couldn't solve this issue. I love the way the curves were coming out but unfortunately things went wrong at some point. This is the car that we see in the movie Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift, the one driven by Haan. I hope to resume its modelling later on.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Update on Ford Falcon

Here is the updated Ford Falcon model I have been working on. I'm using Autodesk Maya 2009 for modelling it. Now I'm working on the front bumper and the grills. The major update is the addition of oldschool tires and rims which is found on most of the classics. Other than that I think the sidelines are awesome. I was worried about whether I could pull it off but I think it came out well. There seem to be some problem with the tires and I guess its because I was too lazy to model a tire. So I imported and tweaked my Bugatti Veyron's. I think it's coming out well and will be able to finish it within next weekend and that's because of my project going on, besides this.

2 wasted weeks....!!!

Well its been quite some time. I haven't  done anything worth talking for the last 2 weeks since I was sick to the core. I also didn't felt like updating my blog since I haven't done a shit. But now I'm at home.For some reasons I'm not getting that "I'm HOME" feel. It just feels like I traveled from one shithole to another. I have been here for the last one week but I'm returning to Chennai on Thursday....yeah 2morrow. Some great shit is gonna happen on Friday to me for I'll have to present my progress on the project and as I said.....bullsh*t.... I haven't done anything. All I have is a goddamn screen play and script which is not yet approved. In fact I haven't shown it to anyone because I don't feel like completing my goddamn thumbnails. The worst part is I don't know what is the status of my classes. I've missed all of the advanced rigging classes. I don't know how I'm gonna pick up all the pending works, but I keep on saying to me I can do it. Right now that's the only thing helping me.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Ultimate Machine

This is the render of my first complete car model done in Maya and it is Bugatti Veyron. Rendering was done using Luxion Keyshot 2.0. Yeah I'm lazy. May be in future there will be render from Mental Ray. There are problems with render especially the front grill and bonet, couldn't rectify it. But I think the headlight looks cool, gives a monster look. I took a lot of time  for me to finish this model and tried  not to mess up the mesh. Even I modelled the exposed engine, but haven't taken a render (may be another time) except for one occlusion. 

Monday 14 November 2011

Ford Mustang RTR-X & Ford Falcon

This the model of Ford Mustang RTR-X done in Maya and rendered using Keyshot 2.0. The scene uses default hdr lighting from keyshot which is a great way to achieve realistic render quality. I got inspiration to model this car when I saw this car in the game Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed. I was also able to rig this car in Maya itself but haven't done any good animation except for some rough playblasts. This is one of the few cars that I was able to complete with satisfaction except for rendering. So I thought I would put on some decals and stripes here and there to make  the car look more badass. I'm working on it but I'm afraid it may take some time since I have my project going on. I'm also working on other car models one of which is Ford Falcon and Mazda RX-7.

The above one is a quick screenshot of the Ford Falcon I'm working one. I'm hoping to complete it soon. And something else is cooking. Wait for it...!!!

Saturday 12 November 2011

The Guide...!!

Well...yesterday (Nov 11) was kinda hectic. My sister came to Chennai yesterday for attending an exam on today (Nov 12). So I thought I would accompany her from airport and show around Chennai for sometime. So the day went like that and didn't do anything much about the project for the last two days. Hoping to do something today, at least I have to get my Screenplay done. But I may be again accompanying her to the examination center.
Between I started doing another Car Model in Maya. This is the 6th car I'm modelling. Among these 6 only 3 is complete. Had to drop other models because of different problems.
The first car I tried was Gallardo (coz i jus luv that Italian beauty) back when I was in first year when I had the least knowledge in Maya and Modelling. I couldn't complete it because I started with box modelling and the mesh got screwed up between. Well I at least tried. Next one was a Ford Shelby GT500 which is my first complete car model. But that too wasn't that satisfying for me because its end mesh is crazy.
My next car was the Ultimate Bugatti Veyron. The first model which give me satisfaction, but still not rendered. It's engine model was the sickest thing I have done in Maya (as a beginner). Then came the model Ford Mustang RTR-X. It's a modified 1967 Shelby GT 500, by team NFS for Need For Speed Shift 2 (I think so,not sure). I was also able to rig this model and also started texturing it. but somewhere in between I totally forgot about it (don't ask how...!!!).
And then came the tuner Mazda RX-7 and it got screwed up because of my laptop started to go nuts when using Maya. So it's currently on hold, but still I loved the way the curves where coming out in that model. You may think-"where the hell is so much curves in RX-7"- I would say watch Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift and check out the beauty Han riding.
Last week I thought its time to take a big step in my car modelling endeavour. So I setup a new project, it said- Lamborghini Reventon.Yep...Reventon it is. But it wasn't that fun modelling a Reventon, don't know why. May be because of all those sharp edges. So again, yesterday I started to model some different car and that's how I started my 6th car model and it is Ford Falcon (the old one-not the new one). I think its a simple model with not much curves, but almost contain flat/straight surfaces. May be the simplest of what I have done so far. Wait for the Picture...!!! :)

Friday 11 November 2011

My First..

Unlike past few weeks woke up a little early. I mean around 10 o'clock...yeah that's early for me. I was asked to get to college to report my work in progress on my Final Year Project. Yep...Project it is...!! My project is to make a 3D Animated Short Film. It is still in Pre-Production stage and the script and screenplay is the current work. I got  the green light on character designs but still I'm not fully satisfied with the effort I put on that.
Last few weeks felt like shit. It all began after I got sick with viral fever for and entire week. I couldn't make it up for that lost week. Still got a long way to go. Seeing my friends doing their works...OMG..!!! I even doubted myself whether I would be able to complete my project. Even in these is a hectic time I just couldn't drop the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare lan party I used to have with my friends (roommates) every night. Its just goddamn ADDICTIVE...!!! Well I'm human...Ain't I...!!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Ahhaa....I'm Blogging..!!

"Dreams are not just something that we c virtually wen v are asleep and tats what i luv abt dreams, coz i'm dreamy...!!!"